This website is meant to provide an introduction of the essence of Film Tourism and what it can mean to business, culture, education, destinations and the film industry in Kristiansand and the South of Norway.

Welcome to Kristiansand, the heart of the Norwegian South. It's here where film and other forms of cultural expression are not only the key to a healthy environment and lifestyle – it is good business as well.
This is the most visited region in all of Norway – called the Southern Riveria. The visitors to this part of the country often come back year after year – and many of them stay for good. For those who stay, the possibilities in this multi-cultural environment are many.
Kristiansand is the business and cultural capital of Southern Norway, the fastest growing region in Norway today. Here you will find a wide range of different sectors and industries, including the process industry, oil and gas technology, renewable energy, ICT, cross media, and travel and tourism.
Every year Norwegians descend in great number here to the south, where the summers are long and the living is easy. You might call it one of the best kept secrets outside of the country, which makes it all the better when you “discover” this pearl.
The summertime is not the only time here in the region – throughout the year there are different cultural, history and experiential destinations waiting to be discovered. You will find many photos courtesy of Visit Sørlandet on this website, but for those who want to learn more about the tourism possibilities – find them here.
This southernmost part of Norway is known as Norway’s Riveria, a summertime favorite. Still, much of the outside world has not yet learned much about this hidden treasure. Join us for this quick peek at Norway’s best-kept secret. For more information, please take a look at the Visit Sørlandet website here.
Photo: Visit Sørlandet

The Kristiansand region has a wide range of different industries, with technological expertise at an international level. Strong cooperation within and between companies and industries has created a high level of expertise, and several of the companies have a unique position in their market, and are strong players in the international export market.
The region offers many interesting career opportunities in technological and educational areas, and it is a strong national player in renewable energy technology. There are good opportunities for anyone who wants to make an effort.
Photo: Visit Sørlandet
Study, work, write, film, create. Go for a long walk by the sea. Make a new friend. Create a new life.
Nothing is stopping you!

Photo: Viist Sørlandet


Overskrift 6
Overskrift 6
Photos: Visit Sørlandet