This website is meant to provide an introduction of the essence of Film Tourism and what it can mean to business, culture, education, destinations and the film industry in Kristiansand and the South of Norway.
Film has the ability to evoke a wide range of emotions, and create impressions that can last a lifetime. Often it is the actual landscapes and physical locations in the film that are important contributors. This is the essence of film tourism, and it brings these memories to life for visitors, fulfilling a dream of coming to the place where their favourite movie was made.
All photos Ian Brodie

Ian Brodie has literally written the book on the subject of film tourism, and he has lectured and lectured extensively on the subject. The most famous of these are about The Lord of the Rings trilogy and the Walden Media/Disney adaptation of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, with a book that alone has sold almost a million copies.

After the production of The Lord of the Rings trilogy, the number of tourists in New Zealand increased by 40%, from 1.7 million to 2.4 million per year. Over a 20-year period in New Zealand, this resulted in an average increase in tourist revenue of $130,000,000 per year. In total over a 20-year period, this amounts to $2,600,000,000 (2.6 billion).

Film Tourism in the Kristiansand region is all about gathering together the public and private sections, culture, education, tourism – and the enormous amount of creativity that this region represents. Contact us to learn more about how you can be a part of this!